Two Ingredient Recipes: Can of Strawberry Frosting + White Chocolate Chips = Strawberry Fudge


January 19, 2012

So Valentines Day is coming up.

We aren’t big Valentines people in our house.

Not that I don’t WANT Valentines stuff.

I mean, if my husband came home with flowers and chocolates and jewelry I certainly wouldn’t turn him away.

But the thing is, one of our kids has a birthday on Valentines, so I lose.

Valentines is now, “all about the children”…much like EVERY OTHER DAY OF MY LIFE!

So instead of romance, I get Star Wars Lego assembly and video games and instead of a candlelit dinner, I get kid’s choice, which many years has meant McDonalds.

I mean, can you imagine that they can choose any place to eat dinner and they choose McDonalds?

So, yeah, kids ruin everything. Gah.

Moving forward, remember a few months ago when I was all angry at the universe for keeping fudge secrets from me?

Well, the universe and I are officially BFFs again.

We made up.

Hugged, kissed and all that…

Together we made some fudge, some Strawberry Fudge.

Which would be perfect for giving to your sweet Valentine…I mean, if you are one of those couple’s who actually celebrates Valentines.

All you do is get yourself a can of Strawberry Frosting and a bag of white chocolate chips.

Melt the chips and stir in the frosting.

Spread it into a lightly greased or lined pan…

Make some pretty designs if you’re feeling fancy.

Now, if you want to get crazy, sprinkles some cute little hearts on top. I think M&Ms would be good on top too…you know, chocolate and strawberries I hear is pretty romantic.

Pop it in the fridge for a bit and then cut it into squares.

Or hearts.

Or broken hearts if you’re feeling dramatic.

* Tip ~ use a cookie cutter for easier shape making.

Isn’t it pretty?


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